webkit, animation, fix bug

Michal Varga varga.michal at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 22:46:27 UTC 2011

On Fri, 2011-03-11 at 00:56 +0300, green dog wrote:
> gitorious.org/webkitgtk/stable/commit/bd6bf8e203cabe7073d4880c64a1ab86ebc1264b

Quick translation for gnome@:

There is a bug (a nasty one, but not critical) in our webkit-gtk2-1.2.7
that breaks rendering of any animated GIFs. I didn't check the linked
patch yet (can't do at the moment), but if this is finally the right one
and it fixes the issue, could someone commit it please? I think the
patch is pretty descriptive on its own anyway and this was a well known
issue for a while now.


Michal Varga,
Stonehenge (Gmail account)

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