devel/gobject-introspection - has semi-fluid pkg-plist contents

Garrett Cooper yanefbsd at
Mon May 24 10:08:20 UTC 2010

Hi Gnome folks,
    I recently tried to run make package-recursive on
editors/ for some testing and I unfortunately got hung
up on making a package out of devel/gobject-introspection. One of the
bits (the xrandr stuff) appeared to be dynamically compiled based on
the automake stuff that I saw (since my chroot didn't have xrandr
installed), but I figured that I should consult the experts first.
    Are all of the optional packages being properly addressed in
pkg-plist? If not, then I have a starter patch to work with, but I'd
need some guidance as to what all needs to be done to detect potential
issues with conditionally installed bits.

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