Portupgrade stops at pango and atk due to gir-repository-*

Koop Mast kwm at rainbow-runner.nl
Tue May 11 13:50:19 UTC 2010

On Tue, 2010-05-11 at 10:12 +0200, Jan Henrik Sylvester wrote:
> I tried to follow the steps in UPDATING, but portupgrade could not 
> install pango and atk due to the presence of 
> gir-repository-gtk20-0.6.5_3 and gir-repository-pango-0.6.5_3 (for which 
> it reports necessary updates from 0.6.5_3 to 2.20.1 and 1.28.0 
> respectively -- weird).
> Is this a problem with portupgrade?
> I did delete the two packages with all their dependencies to reinstall 
> them after the portupgrade, but there is probably a better way.

Ah I know, you  need to do "pkgdb -Ff" before the first portupgrade
command. I forgot to add that sorry.  I will add that instruction to the
UPDATING note when I get the chance.

Thanks for reporting this!


> Cheers,
> Jan Henrik
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