tiel xterm in ssh sessions

James Butler sweetnavelorange at gmail.com
Tue May 4 22:18:22 UTC 2010

On 05/05/10 02:00, Alex Huth wrote:
> Hello!
> I´d like to set the titel of a gnome-terminal dynamic, even when it is a
> ssh session. For the "normal" local session i use the following:
> ---------------
> if echo $TERM | egrep -iq 'xterm|vt100'; then
>          PS1='\[\033]0;\h:\w\$\007\]'$PS1
> fi
> --------------
> But how can i do that for ssh sessions, with the name of the remote
> host?

I can think of two ways:
a) make sure you have something similar to the above in the shell rc 
file on each remote host, or
b) use something like this on the local host:

ssh() {
	printf "\033]0;$*\007"
	$_ssh $*


> Thanks in advance
> Alex
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