gtk-based programs have problem with TTF fonts...

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Thu Jun 17 21:00:29 UTC 2010

On 6/17/10 3:50 PM, mi at wrote:
> Hello!
> For some reason, fonts in both native firefox and pidgin (the only two
> gtk/gnome applications in use here) no longer render as anything, but
> boxes. On stderr there are scaring warnings like:
>    (Pidgin:20448): Pango-WARNING **: font_face status is: out of memory
>    (Pidgin:20448): Pango-WARNING **: scaled_font status is: out of memory
>    (Pidgin:20448): Pango-WARNING **: shaping failure, expect ugly
>    output. shape-engine='BasicEngineFc', font='DejaVu Sans Bold 12',
>    text='....'
> According to search-engines, people have seen this problem under Linux,
> but the fixes/workarounds proposed seem both voodoo and too
> Linux-centric :-(
> The linux-firefox continues to work fine, which suggests, the actual
> fonts themselves are still Ok. I even tried moving the user's home
> directory aside and making her login afresh -- but the problem
> persisted, so it is not related to the user-settings.
> I even did `portupgrade -aRr' and still have the problem.
> Any ideas? Thanks!

Could be bogus fontconfig data.  Try running fc-cache -f -v.  I have TTF
fonts working for me.  I mean, these days you HAVE to have them working.


Joe Marcus Clarke
FreeBSD GNOME Team	::	gnome at
FreeNode / #freebsd-gnome

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