SUMMARY: GNOME startup issues

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Fri Jul 16 06:24:40 UTC 2010

On 7/16/10 1:38 AM, Bear wrote:
> hi, I didnt mean that... I mean the "message server", such like
> gnome-session and hald, not the "message client", just like
> gnome-panel. So my question is why these "servre" application give no
> response when the client ask for something? Why they reply a "refuse"
> or "not authorized" message instead of keep silence? thx

They do, actually.  You just never see it.  However, if you bind ktrace
to polkitd (the server process), you will see the unauthorized message.


> ------------------ Bear 2010-07-16
> ------------------------------------------------------------- 
> From:Joe Marcus Clarke Send Date:2010-07-16 04:36:12 To:Bear CC:Kevin
> Oberman; FreeBSD GNOME Users Subject:Re: SUMMARY: GNOME startup
> issues
> On 7/15/10 2:12 AM, Bear wrote:
>> hi, okay, I have readed that page.But can you help me on my
>> question? Why these applications, such like gnome-session or hald,
>> responded nothing instead of a deny message?
> HAL should reply with an error if there was a problem mounting a
> file system.  Panel will not show an error if shutdown/restart is not
> enabled.
> Joe
>> thx
>> ------------------ Bear 2010-07-15
>> ------------------------------------------------------------- 
>> From:Joe Marcus Clarke Send Date:2010-07-14 11:03:09 To:Bear 
>> CC:Kevin Oberman; FreeBSD GNOME Users Subject:Re: SUMMARY: GNOME
>> startup issues
>> On 7/13/10 9:04 PM, Bear wrote:
>>> hi, Your patch can actully shutdown my computer but cannot make
>>> me mount partitions :) A problem, if the problem is caused by
>>> user have no privilege has no right to shutdown, why
>>> gnome-session said nothing instead of a reject message? And also,
>>> if user has no privilege to mount partition, why the system keep
>>> silent instead show a error message box with "not authorized"?
>> You need to follow the instructions at 
>> to troubleshoot the 
>> mounting issue.
>> Joe
>>> BTW: I have did a comparation on Linux. I run ck-launch-session
>>> gnome-session and when I loggin into gnome, I run ck-list-session
>>> and got these:
>>> bear at bear:~$ ck-list-sessions Session1: unix-user = '1000' 
>>> realname = 'bear' seat = 'Seat1' session-type = '' active =
>>> FALSE x11-display = '' x11-display-device = '' display-device =
>>> '/dev/tty1' remote-host-name = '' is-local = TRUE on-since =
>>> '2010-07-14T00:53:03.054906Z' login-session-id = '4294967295' 
>>> Session4: unix-user = '1000' realname = 'bear' seat = 'Seat1' 
>>> session-type = '' active = TRUE x11-display = ':0' 
>>> x11-display-device = '/dev/tty7' display-device = '/dev/tty1' 
>>> remote-host-name = '' is-local = TRUE on-since =
>>> '2010-07-14T00:54:04.609575Z' login-session-id = '4294967295' 
>>> bear at bear:~$
>>> Two sessions. The first one is inactive and the other one is
>>> active and its status is as same as you said before. 
>>> ------------------ Bear 2010-07-14
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>> From:Joe Marcus Clarke Send Date:2010-07-14 00:43:56 To:Bear 
>>> CC:Kevin Oberman; FreeBSD GNOME Users Subject:Re: SUMMARY: GNOME
>>> startup issues
>>> On 7/13/10 12:24 PM, Bear wrote:
>>>> hi, Thanks for your patch! Your patch actually solved the
>>>> problem on gnome-panel but I must say, I dont think this patch
>>>> fix the source of this problem. The gnome-panel slow responding
>>>> is only a hand, not the whole thing. Why not install a Linux
>>>> such as Debian and do a comparation? In Linux, I can run
>>>> gnome-session without ck-launch-session without any problem.
>>>> The only thing I cant do is to shutdown my computer(no that
>>>> menu) or mount a device(show a error messsagebox instantly with
>>>> "Not authorized"). But in FreeBSD, although I applied your
>>>> patch and use ck-launch-session to run my gnome-session, if I
>>>> click on a non-freebsd partition, it would say nothing. Maybe
>>>> you would say this is a problem related to hal, but I think
>>>> this is related to dbus. Dbus denied transferring the "not
>>>> authorized" message and so many other messages, also include
>>>> the "cannot shutdown" message.
>>>> According to my analysis, I still believe the dbus default
>>>> policy is the source of these problem. I think the only thing
>>>> your patch did is to make ck-launch-session give more priviages
>>>> like shutting down to gnome-session to prevent the error. But
>>>> in truth, this is not the correct way to solve the problem. The
>>>> source is dbus or policy, not other module.
>>> The default policy allows local users to have more privilege.  If
>>> you run ck-list-sessions, and you see your session is active, you
>>> should be able to mount media, shutdown the computer, etc.  My
>>> patch should make that happen.  You are free to modify the
>>> policies all you want if you'd rather no go this route.
>>> Joe
>>>> ------------------ Bear 2010-07-14
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>>> From:Joe Marcus Clarke Send Date:2010-07-13 23:06:35 To:Kevin
>>>> Oberman CC:Bear; FreeBSD GNOME Users Subject:Re: SUMMARY: GNOME
>>>> startup issues
>>>> On 7/13/10 8:47 AM, Kevin Oberman wrote:
>>>>>> Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 16:21:09 +0800 From: Bear
>>>>>> <jilingshu at>
>>>>>> hi, Er... A very fool question... Could you tell me the
>>>>>> correct steps to patch your patch? It seems like that I did
>>>>>> something wrong on this...
>>>>> Here is what I did (and it was probably not the correct
>>>>> thing): 1. Save patch to ck-patch 2. cd /usr 3. patch <
>>>>> ck-patch 4. mv patch-tools_ck-collect-session-info.c
>>>>> /usr/ports/sysutils/consolekit/files 5. rm
>>>>> patch-tools_ck-collect-session-info.c.orig
>>>>> Then re-build and re-install consolekit and re-boot your
>>>>> system.
>>>> I actually updated the patch to make it more commit-ready.  Can
>>>> you try the new version?  It's at the same URL.  For it, you
>>>> just need to do:
>>>> cd /usr/ports/sysutils/consolekit/files patch -p <
>>>> /path/to/consolekit.diff
>>>> That should update one file, and create a second.
>>>> Joe

Joe Marcus Clarke
FreeBSD GNOME Team	::	gnome at
FreeNode / #freebsd-gnome

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