gobject-introspection can't compile with endian.h

Chris Brennan xaero at xaerolimit.net
Mon Dec 27 20:45:17 UTC 2010

Quite possible my fix is just covering a bloody stain ... if it is, it will
only bleed though again in the future. (Sorry forthwith top-post,  it's my

-- Sent from my Droid

On Dec 27, 2010 3:42 PM, "Steve Kargl" <sgk at troutmask.apl.washington.edu>
> On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 03:22:55PM -0500, Chris Brennan wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 2:19 PM, Steve Kargl <
>> sgk at troutmask.apl.washington.edu> wrote:
>> > Yep. A web search suggests that anything vaguely X11 related
>> > will eventually pull in a GNOME related component, which pulls
>> > in gobject-introspection. The search also suggests that this
>> > problem has been known for more than year except apparently
>> > no gnome developer sees the problem or knows how to fix it.
>> I had a simmilar issue crop up and it turned out all I needed to do was
>> update devel/pth first, problem went away after that... the irony here is
>> that I was getting the exact same error w/ gobject-introspection and
>> (and a few more python modules). I got the errors while trying to do two
>> different things, 1) upgrading python to 2.6 and s) installing an audio
>> editor app for X. But like I said, once I installed devel/pth it all
>> itself.
> Thanks for the suggested workaround. My current attempt
> of defining WITHOUT_GNOME just died in g-i for the 5th
> time. If g-i requires pth, then it should be listed in
> its Makefile as a prerequisite. OTOH, if g-i does need
> pth, then your suggested "fix" is papering over a bug
> within the gnome framework.
> --
> Steve

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