[PATCH] Fix Compiz and Emerald with GTK+ 2.22

Koop Mast kwm at FreeBSD.org
Sun Dec 5 12:07:36 UTC 2010

On Wed, 2010-11-24 at 16:21 -0500, Jung-uk Kim wrote:
> I found that gtk-window-decorator and emerald are seriously broken 
> since GTK+ 2.22.  It seems Gnome people have deprecated GdkDrawable 
> in favor of Cairo from 2.22.  However, it is pretty rot now, it 
> seems. :-(
> So, I did some research and found solutions.

Thank you for the work, I just committed the patches to the ports tree.


> Patch for x11-wm/compiz:
> http://people.freebsd.org/~jkim/compiz.diff
> This patch is essentially the following upstream commit:
> http://git.compiz.org/compiz/core/commit/?id=64ee56f3619a537f29cfe34a37678b947e1532fd
> Patch for x11-wm/emerald:
> http://people.freebsd.org/~jkim/emerald.diff
> This patch removes GDK_DIABLE_DEPRECATED definition from emerald.h, 
> which totally broke gdk_draw_drawable() and stuff.  Also, it includes 
> the following upstream commits:
> http://git.compiz.org/fusion/decorators/emerald/commit/?id=f3070c32ba428935ef2c69888d0194e2ae31e777
> http://git.compiz.org/fusion/decorators/emerald/commit/?id=bc53f574ccc06a5366ccb8c8f0fa558836e68d00
> Cheers,
> Jung-uk Kim
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