libxslt port build problem

Colin colin at
Mon Nov 9 19:16:28 UTC 2009

Kevin Oberman wrote:
>> Apparently there are one or two old versions knocking around:
>> ted# /opt/xml2/bin/xml2-config --version
>> 2.7.3
>> ted# /usr/bin/xml2-config --version
>> 2.6.23
>> ted# /scripts/cpan_sandbox/x86_64/xml2-config --version
>> 2.6.23
>> ted# /root/installd/scripts/cpan_sandbox/x86_64/xml2-config --version
>> 2.6.23
>> ted# /usr/local/bin/xml2-config --version
>> 2.7.6
>> The old versions must have either been installed from some other source 
>> or not deleted properly by the ports during upgrade. What's the best way 
>> to clean them up as I assume its best to only have the one version running!
> Something rather odd has bitten your system. Thee is no reason that any
> port would install files on /usr/bin. It looks to me like someone
> installed libxml2 from place other than ports and it spattered stuff in
> odd places.
> /opt is a place several Unix-like systems install things. I know Solaris
> does. The /root/installd and /scripts locations, I don't know
> about. Since all are showing 2.6.23, all were probably done at the same
> time.
> One scheme would be to take the output of 'pkg_info -L libxml2-2.7.6 and
> look for these files outside of /usr/local/. Time consuming, but could
> be scripted fairly easily. Any of these files outside of /usr/local or
> /usr/ports should be deleted.
> Batter still would be to re-install world AFTER deleting the contents of
> /usr/bin, /usr/include and /usr/lib and manually deleting
> /etc/ if it is there. (Note that you will probably be unable
> to run 'make installworld' after blowing away these directories, so you
> will need to re-install them from another system. possibly a live
> CD. I'll admit to never having tried this, though.
Thanks for the info, I'm starting to figure some of this out.
It looks like the 2.6.23 files were built when the OS was installed from 
the timestamps on the files
I'm running some scripts to find all the offending files, checked the 
list and then removed them.
I've also dug up some 2.7.2 files that seem to be linked to Apache so a 
full house clean, reinstall the port and now libxslt will build and upgrade.
Many thanks.

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