problem with pulseaudio on 7.2 via ftp/pkg_add.

George Hartzell hartzell at
Mon May 25 18:27:40 UTC 2009

I'm building up -STABLE system on an old 500MHz Sony laptop by pulling
down preinstalled things via ftp and pkg_add -r.

I have gnome installed and running, and sound work in mplayer.

Gnome sound doesn't seem to be working, no volume applet and when I
try to set my sound preferences I get a dialog box about the sound
system not responding.

There are a series of messages in /var/log/messages from pulseaudio
that say:

  Daemon startup without any loaded modules, refusing to work.
  Daemon startup failed.

and if I run pulsaudio from the command line I get

  Daemon startup without any loaded modules, refusing to work.

in red.

What module does it need to be loading and how can I find/configure



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