after update - not all jpeg files are displayable

Oliver Lehmann lehmann at
Tue Jul 28 17:39:39 UTC 2009

Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:

> No.  It's an issue with an incomplete PORTREVISION bump on ports which
> depend on libjpeg.  Really, you need to do a portupgrade -rf jpeg to fix
> this.  What you must avoid is one port being linked to both jpeg.9 and
> .10.  When that happens, applications crash trying to open JPEGs.

Hm - I cannot see which library could be causing this - I still have some
jpeg.9 using stuff but this seems not the cause here?

Nevertheless I'll do some recompilation here until is no longer
needed by nothing.
The "funny" thing is, is linked against both .10 and .9....

$ find . -type f -name "*.so" -print | while read line ; do ldd "$line" 2>&1 | grep -q jpeg\.so\.9 && echo "$line" ; done
$ cd ../bin
$ find . -type f -print | while read line ; do ldd "$line" 2>&1 | grep -q jpeg\.so\.9 && echo "$line" ; done

 Oliver Lehmann

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