ports/136385: [BUG] mail/evolution does not build on FreeBSD-7.2 (AMD64)

Schumacher, Hardy Hardy.Schumacher at globalfoundries.com
Thu Jul 9 06:32:38 UTC 2009

Hello Marcus,

Did you have tried to install all the ports like I wrote in the PR?
I removed all ports from my system first (pkg_deinstall -f "*"), also I
removed all config settings in "/var/db/pkg" and cleaned the folder
Then I started to build up "devel/autotools", "ports-mgmt/portupgrade",
"x11/xorg", "x11/gnome2".
And the listed issue appeared in exact this constellation. So it seems
for me that there is a missing dependency, because
"database/evolution-data-server" isn't yet installed.
I saw "database/evolution-data-server" is listed as a required library
for "mail/evolution", but I cannot explain why this port isn't build and
installed before "mail/evolution".

Can you check this please?


-----Original Message-----
From: marcus at FreeBSD.org [mailto:marcus at FreeBSD.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 7:56 PM
To: Schumacher, Hardy; marcus at FreeBSD.org; gnome at FreeBSD.org
Subject: Re: ports/136385: [BUG] mail/evolution does not build on
FreeBSD-7.2 (AMD64)

Synopsis: [BUG] mail/evolution does not build on FreeBSD-7.2 (AMD64)

State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
State-Changed-By: marcus
State-Changed-When: Wed Jul 8 17:55:21 UTC 2009
Evolution builds fine on amd64 in Tinderbox and on pointyhat.  Given the
output in this PR, you have a local problem with your
databases/evolution-data-server package.  Reinstall this port, then try
building evolution.


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