GDM 2.24.1 and XDMCP

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Sat Jan 31 13:51:49 PST 2009

On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 15:24 +0100, Uwe Laverenz wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 12:31:13PM -0500, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> > This was discussed a lot of the GNOME development list.  I even posed it
> > to our test users.  A lot of Linux users complained, but non of the
> > FreeBSD users did.  I think some Linux distributions are shipping
> > gdm-2.20, but we never did any testing of 2.20 with 2.23/2.24.  If you
> > want to resurrect it, and test it out, we will consider re-adding the
> > port as gdm220.
> Ok, I have played around a bit:
> - The last gdm 2.20 from ports compiles, installs and runs fine without
>   a problem (as far as I can tell by now, since my test machine is still
>   working on the libxcb-update). If I'm not the only one who is
>   dissatisfied with gdm 2.24, re-adding 2.20 would be nice.
>   To sum it up again:
>      - XDMCP-Chooser would be there again
>      - listening for XDMCP-connects would be working again
>      - installing themes would be possible again
>      - gdmsetup would be back
> - There are patches for gdm 2.24.1 that seem to solve the XDMCP-problem
>   on Fedora 10. I'm not a programmer, but I tested the patches and
>   managed to get gdm listen to UDP 177 again, but another problem
>   came up with the patched version of gdm that I wasn't able to solve.
>   So I was forced to give up for now.

What problems did you see?


>   Bug report:
>   Patches:
> thanks for listening. :)
> Uwe
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