[HEADUP] FreeBSD Gecko's TODO and plan for future

matt donovan kitchetech at gmail.com
Sat Aug 22 19:08:02 UTC 2009

On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 2:22 PM, Martin Wilke <miwi at freebsd.org> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Howdy Guys,
> The FreeBSD Gecko Team will let you know what the plans for
> the future are and on what we are currently working.
> Goals:
> * Removal of mozilla, nvu, xulrunner and firefox2.
> * www/firefox35 should be moved to www/firefox.
> * The options USE_GECKO mozilla nvu xulrunner and firefox will be also
> removed.
> Background:
>  We have a lot of old stuff on the portstree and it's time to cleanup old
> stuff.
>     * www/mozilla is 5 year old now, no longer supported by upstream, and
>       has many many vulnerabilities. We can use www/seamonkey.
>     * www/nvu last official release was in 2005, no longer supported, and
>       also some vulnerabilities. We have www/kompozer which also need an
>       update to get this unbroken.
>     * www/xulrunner is old and was replaced by www/libxul. We should not
>       hold any old Gecko stuff. Also it's not longer supported by upstream:
>       https://wiki.mozilla.org/XULRunner:Roadmap
> Problems which we have to solve:
>  Some Gnome ports need www/firefox to build and work, but unfortunately
>  firefox2 isn't longer supported by the Mozilla Foundation. Also
>  www/firefox has a lot of vulnerabilities. We should www/firefox
>  mark FORBIDDEN at this time gives no fixes for the latest securtiy
>  reports.
> We see here 2 ways:
>      1) The Gnome Team (not the FreeBSD Gnome Team) take time and move all
> his
>         stuff to libxul.
>      2) or we the FreeBSD Team have to remove all these ports. We know
> that's
>         really hard but we should not hold vulnerabilities stuff.
>   We hope to get here a bit help from the FreeBSD Gnome Team to make it
>   possible to get some stuff to work with the current libxul version.
> Current Status:
>        We working currently on Firefox 3.6 (alpha1) [2], Thunderbird 3.0
> (beta3) [1],
>        new libxul All 3 are already committed to our repo.
>   [1] a screenshot from tb3 under FreeBSD
>       http://tmp.chruetertee.ch/tb3.0b3.png
>   [2] a screenshot from ff36 under FreeBSD
>       http://tmp.chruetertee.ch/ff36.png
> A current status can you find here:
>        https://trillian.chruetertee.ch/freebsd-gecko/wiki/TODO
> So that's all at the moment, Feedback, Comments are welcome.
> - - Martin for the FreeBSD Gecko Team
> - --
> +-----------------------+-------------------------------+
> |  PGP    : 0xB1E6FCE9  |  Jabber : miwi(at)BSDCrew.de  |
> |  Skype  : splash_111  |  Mail   : miwi(at)FreeBSD.org |
> +-----------------------+-------------------------------+
> |       Mess with the Best, Die like the Rest!          |
> +-----------------------+-------------------------------+
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I just have one question when has xulrunner been unsupported upstream
considering that xulrunner 1.9.1 was released when firefox 3.5.2 was teh
last release of xulrunner 1.9.x alpha was august 22end yes it's development
but it's still supported. upstream

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