Glitches in the notification area of GNOME 2.27.90

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Sat Aug 22 18:59:16 UTC 2009

On Sat, 2009-08-22 at 20:44 +0200, Romain Tartière wrote:
> Hi
> I'm running GNOME 2.27.90 from MarcusCom ports and the notification area
> does not display correctly.  For example, on the following screen-shot I
> have 4 icons that behave correctly, apart their display is messed up:
>   - Gnome do (blank icon)
>   - Some kind of volume control (wrong icon, copy of the notification
>     area from the right of the icon + ~2px)
>   - Liferea (good icon)
>   - Sonata (good icon)
> Some applications display their icon correctly, with a transparent
> background, but this seems almost random.
> I would like to know if it's some kind of bug in the upcomming
> gnome-panel (or whatever displays the notification area) that's likely
> to be fixed upstream or if it works correctly for other and I need to
> rebuild any library that may need an update.

I haven't noticed any problems, but I don't use the NA heavily on my
test box.  I see there is one pending NA patch in git relatign to
compositing, but that's it.  So this could be a new bug which should be
reported upstream.


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