using xdm with ck-launch-session (PolicyKit/ConsoleKit)

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Mon Aug 10 19:10:53 UTC 2009

Denis Shaposhnikov wrote:
> Hello,
> On Mon, 10 Aug 2009 13:17:56 -0400
> Joe Marcus Clarke <marcus at> wrote:
>> Make sure procfs is mounted on /proc.  Also, see
>> .
> Sure, /proc is mounted and hal works fine. I have no problem with hal,
> I can do everything with
> <config version="0.1">
>     <match user="root|xxx">
> 	<return result="yes"/>
>     </match>
>     <define_admin_auth group="wheel"/>
> </config>
> I have problem with ConsoleKit only. Something wrong with it because
> after using ck-launch-session it thinks my session isn't active console
> session.

Then there is a problem getting the current X display device.  The
script that does this is a bit of a hack since there's no good way of
getting this.  Have a look at
/usr/local/libexec/ck-get-x11-display-device, and make sure that script
can succeed.



Joe Marcus Clarke
FreeBSD GNOME Team	::	gnome at
FreeNode / #freebsd-gnome

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