using xdm with ck-launch-session (PolicyKit/ConsoleKit)

Denis Shaposhnikov dsh at
Mon Aug 10 17:14:31 UTC 2009


I have a problem with ConsoleKit. First, I don't use gdm. I tried gdm
and everything works fine under it but I don't like gdm. I use xdm and
gnome-session. Configuring mounting of removable devices I've found
environment don't want to authorized me as user of active console
session. Well, after some googling I've found ck-launch-session. Now my
xdm executes my ~/.xsession using ck-launch-session and

[xxx at localhost ~]% ck-list-sessions 
        unix-user = '9999'
        realname = 'Denis Shaposhnikov'
        seat = 'Seat1'
        session-type = ''
        active = FALSE
        x11-display = ':0'
        x11-display-device = '   ?   '
        display-device = '   ?   '
        remote-host-name = ''
        is-local = TRUE
        on-since = '2009-08-10T12:10:39.961971Z'
        login-session-id = ''

The environment still don't want to authorize me for actions like
mounting/unmounting/shutdown/restart and so on. I think because "active
= FALSE". Could somebody tell me how to fix it? Or how to configure my
environment with xdm right?

PS. I know how to permit everything using PolicyKit.conf but I think
this is a workaround.


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