Request for "WITHOUT_HAL" or a similiar thing.

Tobias C. Berner tcberner at
Mon Aug 3 12:42:26 UTC 2009


I use some gnome-apps. But I do not ever use hal. I do not see its use for me
apart from making me problems.
Playback of dvds stops working as soon as it is running, and I have different
problems with X when it runs, some of which I could fix, but...

I just don't see the use of that piece of software, or to put it an other way
its flaws outshine its benefits for now, at least for me.

So what I wanted to ask is, if it wouldn't be possible to add a global
"WITHOUT_HAL" flag or something.
And further if it were possible to no longer just assume one wants hal, but
rather make it a choice.

mfg tcb.

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