a few questions about gnome 2.22

George Hartzell hartzell at alerce.com
Fri Mar 28 10:44:06 PDT 2008

Thanks for all the gnome work!

I just finished following the instructions in /usr/ports/UPDATING to
use portmaster to upgrade my -STABLE system.  It generally went
smoothly, but I noticed a couple of things that I think are worth
mentioning, I can send-pr if they seem worth it.

The build of net/ekiga failed, in the gnu configure stage looking for
pwlib.  When I installed devel/pwlib (I think that was the port's
name) by hand then it built smoothly.

I use startx with a .xinitrc file that exec's gnome-session.  After
the update the gnome startup dialog box hangs around for a long time
displaying the 'gnome-volume-manager' strings.  The right-most of the
graphic icons is the battery/power-plug icon.  Rough wall clock
measurements tell me that it waits 1.75 or 2 minutes to disappear.

My usb memory stick to automount would not automagically mount, even
though I'm in the operator group.  Some googling suggested that I
should add:
  <match action="org.freedesktop.halstorage.mount-removable">
   <return result="yes">
to /usr/local/etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf.  Now my memory stick
mounts automagically.  Is this normally required?  Did I miss it in
the freebsd gnome FAQ or should it be added?

On my keyboard the key just to the left of my left pinky is labeled
'caps lock' and functions as a caps lock.  I'd rather have it be a
control key.  I've changed the text console to take care of it.  In
gnome, I use the System->Preferences->Keyboard dialog box, Layouts
tab, Layout Options dialog to change the 'Ctrl key position' from
Default to 'Swap Ctrl and CapsLock', which fixes it.  BUT, when I exit
the X session and restart it the capslock key is a capslock key
again.  When I get back to that dialog the 'Swap Ctrl and CapsLock'
radio button is still selected.  If I choose 'Default' and then
'Swap...' I'm back in business until I log out.  Then I have to do it

Are any of these worthy of pr's?


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