2.22 Upgrade Issues

Frank Jahnke jahnke at sonatabio.com
Thu Mar 27 05:06:34 PDT 2008

I upgraded to Gnome 2.22 over the last couple of days, and followed the
web site procedure (including the gconf changes).  Overall it went
smoothly, though it did take a very long time.

For some reason automounting is not working.  I get a warning at boot
from dbus -- "$dbus_enable is not set properly" -- but otherwise there
is nothing consequential there.  Hal finds both cd0 and acd0, as
before.  Inserting a CD gives the error message that the drive could
not be mounted, and then subsequent attempts give nothing.  Any
suggestions on how to fix this would be appreciated.

Also, no desktop icons appear for two additional hard drives on the
system that are not part of the traditional file system.  One is found
from a console window, so it are mounted, but the appearance is
different, and the other (an NTFS disk) is not found.

Some notes on minor things.  The initial portupgrade of the gstreamer
plugins failed because one library (liboil?) was already installed and
would not be upgraded.  Instead I used a "-fR" flag and it proceeded
properly.  I also had many circular references when I was finished that
I had to delete.  Starting polkitd from rc.conf seems not to work
properly, though it does using GDM.

Evolution does indeed start faster -- many thanks!!! -- but its screen
refreshing is terribly slow.  80% of my CPUs (an old dual Athlon) is
consumed if I move a terminal window over the Evolution window (grab the
title bar and move it in a circle), which is new.  Screen updates in
Evolution similarly are very slow.

I was also bitten by the xorg mouse issue (work-around applied) and it
is serious enough that I think it merits a mention on the upgrade page.

Overall this one went pretty smoothly for a .0 release, but for me at
least there are a few minor niggles remaining.


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