Strange installation directory of ports/graphics/gimp-app

Mamoru Iwaki iwaki at
Fri Mar 7 08:54:17 UTC 2008


I'm installing gimp from ports, which depends on the following port:

# $FreeBSD: ports/graphics/gimp-app/Makefile,v 1.216 2008/03/02 08:36:09 
ahze Exp $
#   $MCom: ports-stable/graphics/gimp-app/Makefile,v 1.1 2007/12/02 
18:43:48 ahze Exp $

This port should be for gimp-2.4, but it actually installs some files 
under the directories like hoge/gimp/2.2/
I'm not sure, but I'm wondering it may be bug.

Sorry, but I have no answer yet.
It is just a report.
Mamoru IWAKI   (iwaki at
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University

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