msdblib (Re: Troubles upgrading to freetds-0.82)

Mikhail Teterin mi+kde at
Fri Jun 27 12:04:03 UTC 2008

On п'ятниця 27 червень 2008, ZIGLIO, Frediano, VF-IT wrote:
= The only things that change using --enable-msdblib or not is a single
= header, binary libraries are not affected.

That's not quite true -- the value of settings.msdblib in tds/config.c is 
affected, for example... Not sure, how important that is, though.

= If Sybctl use msdblib just define MSDBLIB. Nothing to recompile or change in
= FreeTDS!

This means:

	a) the decision must be made when building Sybtcl -- not when using it;
	b) the same Sybtcl-using process can not connect to different types of
	   servers -- I tried and had various strange problems...

Are you saying, this is not supposed to be a problem and that connecting to 
both types of servers should be possible? If so, I'll try again and submit 
bug-reports, if any...



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