HEADS UP: Port versions going backwards

Kris Kennaway kris at FreeBSD.org
Sat Jun 7 20:16:59 UTC 2008

Dear maintainers,

For some time now the script that is supposed to monitor for port
version strings decreasing has not been functioning (it runs but
produces no output for some reason).  Unfortunately this has allowed
quite a few regressions to creep in.  These are the ones I detected;
the time interval listed is the narrowest date window found, during
which the version decrease occurred (as measured by pkg_version -t).

In most cases it should be clear why the version decreased by looking
at commits to the port within this time window, but sometimes it may
be necessary to look at other included files.  If you can't work out
how the decrease occurred, please let me know.  Many of these can be
repaired by increasing PORTREVISION, but others will require PORTEPOCH


P.S. I will be rerunning this script regularly, so your expedient
response to this issue is appreciated :)

audio/xmms-bonk                             naddy at FreeBSD.org      (2008/03/23 11:56 --> 2008/03/24 19:41): 0.12_3 --> 0.12_1
chinese/bitchx                              clive at FreeBSD.org      (2008/01/26 17:30 --> 2008/01/30 08:42): -->
databases/libgda2                           gnome at FreeBSD.org      (2008/05/30 08:14 --> 2008/06/07 08:00): 1.2.4_4,1 --> 1.2.4_1,1
databases/libgnomedb                        gnome at FreeBSD.org      (2008/05/30 08:14 --> 2008/06/07 08:00): 3.0.0_2 --> 3.0.0_1
devel/automake17                            ade at FreeBSD.org        (2004/06/10 01:54 --> 2007/07/28 17:54): 1.7.9_1 --> 1.7.9
devel/automake18                            ade at FreeBSD.org        (2004/10/02 05:28 --> 2007/07/28 17:54): 1.8.5_2 --> 1.8.5
ftp/urlgfe                                  chip-set at mail.ru       (2008/05/30 08:14 --> 2008/06/07 08:00): 0.7.1_7 --> 0.7.1_1
misc/amanda-server                          kuriyama at FreeBSD.org   (2008/05/30 08:14 --> 2008/06/07 08:00): 2.5.1p3_3,1 --> 2.5.1p3_1,1
misc/bidwatcher                             obrien at FreeBSD.org     (2008/05/30 08:14 --> 2008/06/07 08:00): 1.3.17_6 --> 1.3.17_1
multimedia/xmms-status-plugin               ports at FreeBSD.org      (2008/03/25 17:39 --> 2008/03/26 08:24): 1.0_3 --> 1.0_1
security/samba-vscan                        jmelo at FreeBSD.org      (2007/12/21 23:35 --> 2007/12/29 13:09): 0.3.6c_1 --> 0.3.6c
textproc/p5-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-FromXML  ports at FreeBSD.org      (2006/04/20 03:08 --> 2006/09/12 21:42): 1.02 --> 1.1
www/mozilla                                 gnome at FreeBSD.org      (2008/05/30 08:14 --> 2008/06/07 08:00): 1.7.13_6,2 --> 1.7.13_1,2
x11/xscreensaver-gnome                      gnome at FreeBSD.org      (2008/05/30 08:14 --> 2008/06/07 08:00): 4.24_7 --> 4.24_1
x11-toolkits/gal2                           gnome at FreeBSD.org      (2008/05/30 08:14 --> 2008/06/07 08:00): 2.5.3_5 --> 2.5.3_1
x11-toolkits/gtksourceview                  gnome at FreeBSD.org      (2008/05/30 08:14 --> 2008/06/07 08:00): 1.8.5_3 --> 1.8.5_1
databases/py-qt4-sql                        danny at ricin.com        (2007/04/13 23:41 --> 2007/04/17 23:19): 20070318 --> 4.3.3_2
devel/etoile-unitkit                        dinoex at FreeBSD.org     (2008/05/06 13:53 --> 2008/05/12 15:53): 1.1_1 --> 0.2_1
devel/py-qt4-assistant                      danny at ricin.com        (2007/04/13 23:41 --> 2007/04/17 23:19): 20070318 --> 4.3.3_2
devel/py-qt4-core                           danny at ricin.com        (2007/04/13 23:41 --> 2007/04/17 23:19): 20070318 --> 4.3.3_2
devel/py-qt4-dbus                           danny at ricin.com        (2007/04/13 23:41 --> 2007/04/17 23:19): 20070318 --> 4.3.3_3
devel/py-qt4-designer                       danny at ricin.com        (2007/04/13 23:41 --> 2007/04/17 23:19): 20070318 --> 4.3.3_2
devel/py-qt4-designerplugin                 danny at ricin.com        (2007/04/13 23:41 --> 2007/04/17 23:19): 20070318 --> 4.3.3_2
devel/py-qt4-test                           danny at ricin.com        (2007/04/13 23:41 --> 2007/04/17 23:19): 20070318 --> 4.3.3_2
editors/vim6                                obrien at FreeBSD.org     (2008/05/30 08:14 --> 2008/06/07 08:00): 6.4.9_2 --> 6.4.9_1
games/linux-alienarena                      alepulver at FreeBSD.org  (2007/09/07 21:31 --> 2007/09/13 17:47): 2007.604,1 --> 2007.610
graphics/py-qt4-svg                         danny at ricin.com        (2007/04/13 23:41 --> 2007/04/17 23:19): 20070318 --> 4.3.3_2
math/miracl                                 ports at FreeBSD.org      (2007/04/28 05:10 --> 2007/05/24 07:35): 5.23_3 --> 5.3.2_1
misc/py-qt4-demo                            danny at ricin.com        (2007/04/13 23:41 --> 2007/04/17 23:19): 20070318 --> 4.3.3_2
misc/py-qt4-doc                             danny at ricin.com        (2007/04/13 23:41 --> 2007/04/17 23:19): 20070225 --> 4.3.3_1
net/mpich2                                  thierry at FreeBSD.org    (2008/03/22 20:19 --> 2008/03/23 11:56): 1.0.6.p1,3 --> 1.0.7_1,2
net/py-qt4-network                          danny at ricin.com        (2007/04/13 23:41 --> 2007/04/17 23:19): 20070318 --> 4.3.3_2
net-im/licq-osd                             dinoex at FreeBSD.org     (2007/12/04 19:05 --> 2007/12/13 09:02): 1.3.4_1 -->
ports-mgmt/vulnerability-test-port          ports at FreeBSD.org      (2007/07/28 17:54 --> 2007/07/30 10:25): 2007.07.28 --> 2004.01.25
sysutils/dtc-toaster                        thomas at goirand.fr      (2008/05/30 08:14 --> 2008/06/07 08:00): -->
textproc/py-qt4-xml                         danny at ricin.com        (2007/04/13 23:41 --> 2007/04/17 23:19): 20070318 --> 4.3.3_2
www/openacs-dotlrn                          mm at FreeBSD.org         (2008/05/30 08:14 --> 2008/06/07 08:00): 2.3.1_2 --> 2.3.1_1
www/trac-nav                                gerrit.beine at gmx.de    (2007/05/27 03:47 --> 2007/05/27 20:32): 3.92p6 --> 3.92_1
www/xulrunner                               gnome at FreeBSD.org      (2008/05/30 08:14 --> 2008/06/07 08:00): -->
x11/py-qt4-opengl                           danny at ricin.com        (2007/04/13 23:41 --> 2007/04/17 23:19): 20070318 --> 4.3.3_2
x11-toolkits/gtkmm20                        gnome at FreeBSD.org      (2008/05/30 08:14 --> 2008/06/07 08:00): 2.2.12_8 --> 2.2.12_1
x11-toolkits/py-qt4-gui                     danny at ricin.com        (2007/04/13 23:41 --> 2007/04/17 23:19): 20070318 --> 4.3.3_2
x11-toolkits/wxgtk24                        fjoe at FreeBSD.org       (2008/05/30 08:14 --> 2008/06/07 08:00): 2.4.2_16 --> 2.4.2_1

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