Dominique Goncalves dominique.goncalves at
Wed Jan 23 12:38:05 PST 2008


On Jan 16, 2008 11:43 PM, Joe Marcus Clarke <marcus at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Dominique Goncalves wrote:
> | Hi,
> |
> | On Jan 14, 2008 8:08 PM, Joe Marcus Clarke <marcus at> wrote:
> | One of the new GNOME 2.22 modules is cheese.  Cheese is a small GNOME
> | app that drives webcams to take pictures and videos using gstreamer's
> | video4linux plug-in.  If you're familiar with MacOS's Photobooth, it's a
> | lot like that.
> |
> | However, it won't work on FreeBSD as it stands now.  The reason is we
> | lack webcam support in our hal port.  I do not have a webcam, so I have
> | no idea how these devices look.  If anyone out there has a webcam that
> | works with FreeBSD, how do you use it?  How is it identified as a webcam
> | by the OS?  What device node does it use?  What applications currently
> | work with it?
> |
> |> I use a Logitech Quickcam express, FreeBSD detects the webcam as
> |> ugen1: <vendor 0x046d Camera, class 255/255, rev 1.10/1.00, addr 2>
> on uhub1
> |> I just tried graphics/qcamview [1], it works with this:
> |
> |> % sudo qcamshot /dev/ugen1 > output.ppm
> |> USB Quickcam camera found using: $Id: quickcam.c,v 1.111 2003/01/27
> |> 09:41:03 tuukkat Exp $ + BSD patch 0.04
> |> quickcam: probe of HDCS1000 sensor = 10 bf id: 08
> |> quickcam: probe of BP100 sensor = 00 10 id: 64
> |> quickcam: probe of VV6410 sensor = 00 10 id: 19
> |> quickcam: probe of HDCS1020 sensor = 10 10 id: 10
> |> quickcam: HDCS1020 sensor detected
> |> Closing Qcam Express.....Done.
> |
> |> but with qcamview it crash:
> |> USB Quickcam camera found using: $Id: quickcam.c,v 1.111 2003/01/27
> |> 09:41:03 tuukkat Exp $ + BSD patch 0.04
> |> quickcam: probe of HDCS1000 sensor = 10 bf id: 08
> |> quickcam: probe of BP100 sensor = 00 10 id: 64
> |> quickcam: probe of VV6410 sensor = 00 10 id: 19
> |> quickcam: probe of HDCS1020 sensor = 10 10 id: 10
> |> quickcam: HDCS1020 sensor detected
> |> Gdk-ERROR **: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
> |>   serial 111 error_code 8 request_code 62 minor_code 0
> |
> |> Let me know if you need more information.
> Can you use this camera with vlc of ekiga (i.e. any video4linux-enabled
> app)?  Cheese will only support v4l devices.

Unfortunaly no device detected :-(

> Joe
> - --
> Joe Marcus Clarke
> FreeBSD GNOME Team      ::      gnome at
> FreeNode / #freebsd-gnome
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (Darwin)
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