GUI doesn't work properly

Szára György lagymata at
Mon Feb 25 19:46:46 UTC 2008

-------- Továbbított levél --------
Feladó: Szára György <lagymata at>
Címzett: freebsd-gnome at
Tárgy: GUI doesn't work properly
Dátum: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 18:09:06 +0100
Lately I've set about to install two OS on a sole HDD. First I installed
FreeBSD 7.0 -making slice- and carried out all the necessary steps to
make appear the Gnome desktop with all its icons. Either of the two OS
may be choosen to booting to. This is implemented first  choosen boot
manager in FreeBSD then the Fedora while installing offered to set a
second OS boot manager in its chain loader.

   On the remainig two-third Hard drive I installed Fedora6 -Linux from
Red Hat. The entire course of Install has been effectuated flawless.
Though at the end what happened  was to  me frustrating. 
   I realized that inside the GUI all the widgets -characters, icons etc
-has  becaming tiny , textually hard to decipher. At least this happens
to the other (Fedora release).
Having no particular experiance with any BSD Unix I could'not deem for
the time being the normal size of its GUI.
Beyond this defficiency none of the crutial configuration setting on
FreeBSD 7.0 has been me succeded. All my attempts failed me to configure
the periferial devices so as modem-, printer-, sound driver east-
european font setting d.i. ISO8859-2 etc. Though I must admit being
beginner I have to learn more in this disciplin yet I guess and suspect
the number 7.0 new release from FreeBSD may clash with my relative
ancillary -P III. hardware. 
    Networthy is yet that I not found any hint to a minimum hardware
claim beyond the minimal 400 MHz CPU and 250-500 Mb RAM which is met
until now. What arise my suspicion is my Nvidia (18) Geforce4 MX 4000
Vga card.Nevertheless for FreeBSD : Gnome 2.20.1 and server 1.4.0
release date 5.szept 2007 version 11,
        for Fedora 6: Gnome 2.16.0 Red hat and server 1.1.1-47.fc6
 Perhaps its performance in its ingredients has been proven scanty ?
    What do you think about an attempt to change for a more expensive
yet compatible VGA Card in order to have a working GUI ? 
Any suggestion were highly appreciated.
Best regards Szara Gyorgy

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