ports/125857: sysutils/gnome-settings-daemon ignores draw_background option

Jeremy Messenger mezz7 at cox.net
Sat Aug 9 18:20:05 UTC 2008

The following reply was made to PR ports/125857; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: "Jeremy Messenger" <mezz7 at cox.net>
To: "Craig Butler" <craig001 at lerwick.hopto.org>
Cc: bug-followup at freebsd.org
Subject: Re: ports/125857: sysutils/gnome-settings-daemon ignores
 draw_background option
Date: Sat, 09 Aug 2008 13:16:45 -0500

 On Tue, 05 Aug 2008 03:09:43 -0500, Craig Butler  
 <craig001 at lerwick.hopto.org> wrote:
 > Mezz,
 > Thanks that worked a treat.... it should be included in the port (until
 > they fix it upstream)
 Can you try this better patch? Be sure to remove that old  
 The problem with patch-respect_draw_background is that it will causing it  
 always disable, no matter if you try to re-enable it.
 > Cheers
 > /Craig B
 > On Mon, 2008-08-04 at 22:21 -0500, Jeremy Messenger wrote:
 >> Can you try this patch? Put it in gnome-settings-daemon/files/ and
 >> reinstall it. It's not FreeBSD specific.
 >> fetch http://people.freebsd.org/~mezz/diff/patch-respect_draw_background
 >> I got it from https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=256901 with a
 >> bit tweak. There is a few reports in google too, but I am not sure why
 >> it's still not fix in upstream thought.
 >> Cheers,
 >> Mezz
 mezz7 at cox.net  -  mezz at FreeBSD.org
 http://www.FreeBSD.org/gnome/  -  gnome at FreeBSD.org

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