Can't unmount external device because gam is watching it

Fernando Herrero Carrón fhcarron at
Wed Aug 6 15:17:04 UTC 2008


I have an external drive formatted with ufs2. When I try to unmount it
through nautilus (computer window), I get the following error:

Cannot unmount /media/disk-3: device busy.


$ fstat | grep disk

I get the following:

***  gam_server 44650 1120 /media/disk-3 19241986 drwx------     512  r

Is there anything I am missing? Looks like the volume manager should
tell gam to stop watching that directory but is failing to do so.

uname -a: FreeBSD **** 7.0-STABLE FreeBSD 7.0-STABLE #11: Wed May  7
16:01:04 CEST 2008     ****:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/****  i386

gnome version: 2.22.3
GNOME nautilus

Any hints greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot,

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