Seahorse issues

Coleman Kane cokane at
Wed Apr 9 21:44:31 UTC 2008

Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-04-09 at 14:23 -0400, Coleman Kane wrote:
>> I recently updated to GNOME 2.22, and ever since I have not been able to 
>> have seahorse work, breaking application integration with GPG, etc....
>> I filed a bug with the GNOME project, but perhaps someone else is 
>> running into this:
> They will most likely come back and tell you to get a backtrace with
> symbols.  It looks like a problem with either missing headers or a
> missing cast, though.  If I'm right, this would only affect 64-bit
> platforms.
> Joe
Thanks, I pre-empted that by rigging the seahorse build so that it built 
with -g -O0, and copied the non-stripped seahorse-agent binary into 
/usr/local/bin for my submitted backtrace. Amazingly enough, it turns 
out that even if you specify --enable-debug on the configure line, the 
installation step still decided to strip the binaries after 
installation. nice.

Anyhow, there is hopefully enough info in there for them to figure out 
what's up (my guess is that the missing cast is the likely culprit, as 
it caused similar misbehavior in evolution some time back).

Coleman Kane

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