More speed increases for make-ing ports

Stephen Montgomery-Smith stephen at
Fri May 25 17:07:24 UTC 2007

Ulrich Spoerlein wrote:
> Stephen Montgomery-Smith wrote:
>> That makes perfect sense.  It does look like you had to work around a bug in make.  I have 
>> actually looked at the code in make where it does the :M (it is the function Str_Match is 
>> str.c) and this bug has clearly been fixed now.
> The question is: Has it been fixed in all Branches that are currently
> supported by the Ports tree? What about 5.x?
> Ulrich Spoerlein

I looked through the cvs logs for make, and I couldn't see when make had 
this bug, or when it had been fixed.  I do recall Joe sounding uncertain 
as to whether this was really the problem, as it is something he did a 
few years ago.  For example, maybe this was a bug in Solaris make that 
he was remembering, and at the time he committed the change he didn't 
realize that FreeBSD make was correct in this regard.

Anyway, if you are running 5.x, why not try it out?  Try makefile like:

	echo ${a:Mab}, ${a:Mabc}, ${a:Mabcd}

You should get an output like
echo ,abc,

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