More speed increases for make-ing ports

Pav Lucistnik pav at
Thu May 24 13:47:22 UTC 2007

Stephen Montgomery-Smith píše v čt 24. 05. 2007 v 07:55 -0500:

> > Please send me the patch again, as an attachment, I'll give it some
> > workout :)
> > 
> Here it is.

Without patch:

real    12m28.513s
user    12m30.657s
sys     4m6.943s

With patch:

real    12m3.077s
user    11m48.727s
sys     4m8.407s

That's from 996s to 956s - about same speed up as the unique patch.

I like it.

Pav Lucistnik <pav at>
              <pav at>

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