mounting floppy by gnome-mount

Maxim Vetrov muxas at
Thu May 24 13:43:50 UTC 2007


# gnome-mount --block --no-ui --verbose --hal-udi 

I keep getting this error:

gnome-mount 0.6
** (gnome-mount:16424): DEBUG: Will attempts methods on drive object
** (gnome-mount:16424): DEBUG: Mounting 
Ошибка системы GConf: Ключ или имя каталога неверны: 
"/system/storage/default_options/(null)/fstype_override": "(" является 
недопустимым символом в имени ключа/каталога
** (gnome-mount:16424): DEBUG: Mounting 
/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_1440_KB_3_5__drive with 
mount_point='', fstype='', num_options=1
** (gnome-mount:16424): DEBUG:   option='-u=1000'

** (gnome-mount:16424): WARNING **: Mount failed for 
org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.InvalidMountOption : The option 
'-u=1000' is not allowed for uid=1000

If I run this command as root, floppy is mounted sucessfully. Flash and 
CD mounts work properly in both cases.

The user (uid=1000) is member the group 'operator'.

Output of uname -a:
FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE FreeBSD 6.2-RELEASE #0: Wed Jan 24 
21:52:14 UTC 2007     root at  i386

Output of lshal:
udi = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_1440_KB_3_5__drive'
  volume.mount.valid_options = {'ro', 'noexec', 'noatime'} (string list)
  org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.method_execpaths = 
{'hal-storage-mount', 'hal-system-storage-unmount', 
'hal-system-storage-eject'} (string list)
  org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.method_signatures = {'ssas', 'as', 
'as'} (string list)
  org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume.method_names = {'Mount', 'Unmount', 
'Eject'} (string list)
  info.interfaces = {'org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume'} (string list)
  block.storage_device = 
'/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_1440_KB_3_5__drive'  (string)
  block.is_volume = false  (bool)
  storage.vendor = ''  (string)
  storage.model = '1440-KB 3.5" drive'  (string)
  storage.physical_device = ''  (string)
  storage.no_partitions_hint = true  (bool)
  storage.automount_enabled_hint = true  (bool)
  storage.media_check_enabled = false  (bool)
  storage.hotpluggable = false  (bool)
  storage.requires_eject = false  (bool)
  storage.removable = true  (bool)
  storage.drive_type = 'floppy'  (string)
  storage.bus = 'platform'  (string)
  block.minor = 99  (0x63)  (int)
  block.major = 0  (0x0)  (int)
  block.device = '/dev/fd0'  (string)
  info.category = 'storage'  (string)
  info.bus = 'block'  (string)
  info.capabilities = {'block', 'storage'} (string list)
  freebsd.unit = 0  (0x0)  (int)
  freebsd.driver = 'fd'  (string)
  info.product = '1440-KB 3.5" drive'  (string)
  info.udi = 
'/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_1440_KB_3_5__drive'  (string)
  info.parent = '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/fdc_0'  (string)

package versions:
Would be thankful for help!


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