Fix for net/avahi port

Brian Somers brians at
Thu May 3 00:31:24 UTC 2007


Could someone apply the attached patch for net/avahi
or approve it for me to commit?


Brian Somers                                       Tel: +1 604 484 6434
                                                   Mob: +1 604 315 1343
Sophos - security and control                      Web:

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /usr/home/ncvs/ports/net/avahi/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.46
diff -u -r1.46 Makefile
--- Makefile	21 Apr 2007 00:42:30 -0000	1.46
+++ Makefile	2 May 2007 17:33:56 -0000
@@ -47,12 +47,16 @@
 .if !defined(AVAHI_SLAVE)
 CONFLICTS=	howl-[0-9]*
-MAN1=	avahi-browse-domains.1 avahi-browse.1 avahi-publish-address.1 \
-	avahi-publish-service.1 avahi-publish.1 avahi-resolve-address.1 \
-	avahi-resolve-host-name.1 avahi-resolve.1 avahi-set-host-name.1
+MAN1=	avahi-browse.1 avahi-publish.1 avahi-resolve.1 avahi-set-host-name.1
 MAN5=	avahi-daemon.conf.5 avahi.service.5 avahi.hosts.5
 MAN8=	avahi-daemon.8 avahi-dnsconfd.8 avahi-dnsconfd.action.8
+MLINKS= avahi-browse.1 avahi-browse-domains.1 \
+	avahi-publish.1 avahi-publish-address.1 \
+	avahi-publish.1 avahi-publish-service.1 \
+	avahi-resolve.1 avahi-resolve-address.1 \
+	avahi-resolve.1 avahi-resolve-host-name.1
 OPTIONS=	GTK2 "Build a GTK+ 2 browser utility and other tools" off \
 		LIBDNS "Enable mDNSResponder compatibility" off

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