gnome-terminal 2.18 display problem

Bob Finch bob at
Thu Mar 22 21:30:23 UTC 2007

Since upgrading to 2.18, gnome-terminal has a display problem that
causes problems with vi and other screen oriented applications.

To reproduce, vi a file with more lines than the gnome-terminal
window and delete the first line.  The screen appears unchanged except
the next line of the file is displayed on the last line (which would
normally be blank).  Refreshing with ^L fixes the display.

Anyone else have this problem?  Before filing a bug with gnome, I
thought I'd see if its my build.

TERM is set to xterm and I'm using the standard FreeBSD termcap file.
I upgraded via "portupgrade -a" from gnome 2.16.0.  I've been testing
with a 24 line gnome-terminal window, but it appears to fail with
other window sizes.

After deleting the line, vi sends:

ESC[H        (move to top)
ESC[23B      (move to last line)
^J           (scroll up since we're on the last line)
ESC[A        (move up one line)
display next line of file

In gnome-terminal 2.18, the ESC[A appears to roll the scroll region
down one line leaving the cursor where it was instead of moving the
cursor up one line.

-- Bob

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