Evolution: unable to change settings

Martin Moeller mm at exsomnis.de
Sat Mar 10 07:32:50 UTC 2007

* Frank Jahnke <jahnke at sonatabio.com> [09-03-2007 11:10:11 -0800]:
> I am unable to change email account settings in Evolution 2.8.3.  In the 
> program, the "OK" button becomes shaded, so any changes cannot be 
> saved.  When executed from the command line, I get the error:

I reported this to bugzilla recently and it seems to be fixed now:


After the last "portupgrade -a" the problem was gone. You should
cvsup/upgrade evolution and dependencies.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Martin Möller <mm at exsomnis.de>
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