Reporting problems with Firefox (?)

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Wed Jun 20 06:12:38 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-06-19 at 12:14 -0700, Ronald F. Guilmette wrote:
> Is this address (gnome at the proper place to send bug/problem
> reports regarding Firefox?  If not, could you please direct me to the
> Right Place to do this?
> Problem(s) summary:
> I've just upgraded my main work/desktop system from (ancient) FreeBSD 4.11
> to 6.2-RELEASE, and thus, switched from some ancient rev of Mozilla to
> Firefox, and I'm having some really serious problems with it.

I hope you rebuilt all of your ports when you did this.

> In particular, it locks up (and pegs CPU usage to 100%) each time I either
> (a) try to download a file, to disk, from any web site or (b) try to
> switch back and forth a few times between the cute icons at the top of
> the little pop-up window that comes up when one tries to adjust "Preferences".

I don't see this here.  You should follow the steps listed at to get a backtrace from
the running process when it pegs the CPU.

> (Also, with Mozilla, I found that I could use Cntl-K to delete the part of
> any text line to the right of the current cursor position, i.e. within any
> text entry area on any wab page.  But now that seems to no longer work.
> Is that a X11 issue?  Or is it a Fixefox issue?)

This is a GTK+ issue.  See .

> Last question:  Is Firefox being built ``native'' for FreeBSD?  Or is it
> being built for Linux and then run under the compatability mode?  If the
> former, then where may I download the latest and greatest FreeBSD-compatible
> FireFox sources?  (The problems above are sufficiently annoying to me that
> I might actually take a whack and building and debugging Fixefox myself.)

It depends on the port you installed.  www/firefox is a native FreeBSD
application.  The www/linux-firefox port is the Linux binary.


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