GDM does not start anymore in gnome2.18

Gary Kline kline at
Fri Jun 8 17:36:51 UTC 2007

On Fri, Jun 08, 2007 at 03:40:37PM +0200, Werner Lehmann wrote:
> I did a fresh install of FreeBSD6.2, Xorg7.2 and gnome 2.18 from the 
> 6-stable-packages, my xserver is properly configured, but when I type 
> "gdm" at the prompt as root (xserver not started), nothing happens, like 
> before in gnome 2.16 or 2.14, not even a message. It just looks like this:
> # gdm
> #
> The gdm daemon seems to be running though, because if you type "gdm" 
> again at the prompt, You get:
> # gdm
> # GDM already running. Aborting!
> Something must have changed with gdm in gnome 2.18, but that issue is 
> not covered in the gnome2.18 Installation Instructions.
> I don't know how to start gdm/gnome now.
> I posted that question in also and got the following 
> response so far:
> "Try to install gnome instead from packages from ports
> Packages are not for 7.2 xorg yet so several problems may arrive."
> I don't know if that is true, as I want to believe that the 
> 6-stable-packages are coherent with each other.
> Please help and update the Gnome Installation Instructions if/as needed.


	First, what exactly do you want to do?  If you want to autoboot
	into Gnome, you need the ``gdm_enable="YES" (in /etc/rc.conf).
	Sounds like you *do* have that because you got the "Aborting!"
	message.  If _not_, then set YES to NO and in your ~/.xsession
	put "^exec gnome-session" and then as root:

	# gdm

	Until just now I had similar problems to yours. Emails to <->
	from this list said that either I needed to add (portupgrade -a)
	or re-run the symlink script that's mentioned in
	/usr/ports/UPGRADING.  It's been challenging several days, but
	aftr several portupgrades (*and* pkgdb -F runs), and the script
	mentioned in /usr/ports/UPGRADING, that I would exec with -x: 

	sh -x /usr/ports/Tools/scripts/

	This is OT, but you might try putting "startkde" into your 
	~/.xsession and do

	# kdm.   

	This *should* exec the kdm xlogin manager.  I prefer it to GDM
	becuase it lets you select any window mmanager ("Desktop") that
	you prefer.  With the gdm manager you've got to mess around and
	create *.desktop.  (I'm using xfce4.desktop for root;
	ctwm.desktop for other accounts).

	If you want to default to Gnome, keep at it;)

	good luck!


> Thanks,
> Werner
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  Gary Kline  kline at  Public Service Unix

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