FreeBSD Port: hal-

Juergen Dankoweit Juergen.Dankoweit at
Sat Jan 20 13:37:32 UTC 2007


first of all thanks for the great job you are doing for the FreeBSD

While installing the Gnome2 package for FreeBSD 6.2 the user
"haldaemon" (UID = 560) and the group "haldaemon" (GID = 560) is not
created. It costed me hours to find out what was going wrong. After
reading "+INSTALL" I found out the the UID/GID has to be created. Now
hald runs perfect and it is a great thing especially for my sister who
now uses FreeBSD too :-)

Best regards and thanks

Jürgen Dankoweit

The name of the package is: hal-

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