Tiny icons after updating nautilus

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at marcuscom.com
Thu Nov 9 15:42:04 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 13:12 +0100, Mark Nowiasz wrote:
> Hi,
> I did yesterday a portupgrade and after upgrading nautilus, the
> "special" icons (which still present nautilus with a problem when trying
> to the getting the properties - it still crash), like the icon for
>       * The computer
>       * A smb share
>       * The trashcan
> have become tiny - I guess about a quarter of the normal size.
> The other icons (like normal directories, files, etc) aren't affected.
> What's also strange: although the icons are so small, nautilus doesn't
> keep the position - everytime I log in the icons are at a onoccupied
> place on my desktop, but not where they used to be - it's like nautilus
> thinks that the icons are too large, places them somewhere where's
> enough space and reduces them to tiny ones.
> If you want, I supply a screenshot.
> I think it's quite interesting that only the icons nautilus has problems
> getting the properties are affected.

I saw this too, but it was a one-time thing.  If you right-click on the
icons, and select "Restore normal size" they will return.  You can then
re-position everything.  That will stick on subsequent logins.


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