evolution mail client

Barry Tigner tigner at msu.edu
Fri Nov 3 15:55:59 UTC 2006

Dear Gnome at FreBSD.org,

I have upgraded my ports on my FreeBSD 6.1 system to date.

The stability of evolution has increased dramatically, especially
with our overloaded mail server. I use evolution to connect to
multiple email servers and where version 2.6x used to crash
and have to be restarted occasionally, has not crashed
at all in several days.

Kudos to you and to the entire staff at FreeBSD.org, and to 
the developers of this great email program.

Thank you,

Barry A. Tigner
Electronics Shop mgr.
Michigan State University
Physics and Astronomy dept.
517-355-9200 x 2538
tigner at msu.edu

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