ports/97890: [ PATCH ] un-BROKEn www/seamonkey on FreBSD 4.x
Jeremy Messenger
mezz7 at cox.net
Sat May 27 10:31:02 PDT 2006
On Sat, 27 May 2006 12:10:33 -0500, Dan Lukes <dan at obluda.cz> wrote:
> I didn't save the log. I wish you will be satisfied by information the
> problem is the file mozdbm_s didn't can't be copied (by cp) because it
> didn't exist.
Yes, I am satisfied now when you said that it was took from www/firefox
patches. :-)
> The patch itself has been stolen from www/firefox patches (see
> patch-sysnss) as it had the problem also, but it has been resolved in
> the past.
Right now, I am asking my team why seamonkey and firefox have the
different patch-sysnss. If it was missed by accident or something else,
then we might have a different patch to fix it or we can just use your.
mezz7 at cox.net - mezz at FreeBSD.org
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