Spamassassin & Evolution
Eugene Rogoza
Thu May 4 14:01:15 UTC 2006
> Message: 4
> Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2006 11:12:43 -0500
> From: "Scott T. Hildreth" <shild at>
> Subject: Spamassassin & Evolution
> To: FreeBSD Gnome <gnome at>
> Message-ID: <1146413563.13096.181.camel at>
> Content-Type: text/plain
> Not really Gnome related, but it does relate to Evolution.
> I was wondering if other Evolution users are noticing that
> spamassassin has not be working well, about the last 2 months?
> This morning I had 24 unread in my inbox, 9 of which I marked as
> junk, several of them have been seen numerous times. Seems
> like I am marking more as junk then spamassassin.
> --
> Scott T. Hildreth <shild at>
SpamAssassin starts the actual filtering only after it has 200 known
hams and 2000 known spams in database. How many messages do you have in
"Junk" (marked by hand)?
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