new logo for Gnome 2.14?

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at
Tue Mar 21 17:41:46 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Fernan Aguero wrote:
> +----[ Joe Marcus Clarke <marcus at> (21.Mar.2006 14:04):
> |
> | Fernan Aguero wrote:
> | > Hi!
> | > 
> | > the FreeBSD logo contest has ended some time ago:
> | >
> | >
> | > 
> | > is the material available (in vector format) to be used in
> | > splash screens, icons, etc?
> | > 
> | > Can we see the official new logo and branding in Gnome 2.14
> | > or should we wait for 2.16?
> | 
> | I think it's safe to use, but I am not the be all-end all source on the
> | subject.  I know that OSNews is already using the new logo, so I don't
> | think it would upset anyone.
> |
> +----]
> I'm not a well informed source in this subject, but ...
> why would anyone get upset? Wasn't the author of all
> material submitted to the contest supposed to give up
> copyrights?
> Oh, wait, I'm reading the announcement again:
> "Copyright assignment
> 	The FreeBSD Foundation will acquire ownership of the winning
> 	logo by assignment of copyright, and the winning designer will
> 	disclaim any trademarks and without limitation all other
> 	rights related to the design (paperwork will be required)."
> So now I'm thinking along the lines of:
> i) either the paperwork is not finished yet, and we should
> wait for it to be sure, or
> ii) it doesn't matter. The owner of the copyright has
> changed, but the material is not free to use ... you have to
> ask for permission to The FreeBSD Foundation.
> I wonder if the foundation is thinking about offering the
> material under a creative commons or similar license (ie.
> not giving up copyright but allowing for certain uses)

You could ask them to be absolutely safe.  But since OSNews grabbed the
new logo the day it was announced (and is still using it), I think using
it for a FreeBSD GNOME splash screen wouldn't cause a stir.


> Fernan

- --
Joe Marcus Clarke
FreeBSD GNOME Team	::	gnome at
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