ports/91712: irc/xchat2 hangup with perl plugin enabled

Frank Altpeter frank at altpeter.de
Wed Mar 8 14:30:22 GMT 2006

The following reply was made to PR ports/91712; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Frank Altpeter <frank at altpeter.de>
To: Joe Marcus Clarke <marcus at FreeBSD.org>
Cc: gnome at FreeBSD.org, freebsd-gnats-submit at FreeBSD.org
Subject: Re: ports/91712: irc/xchat2 hangup with perl plugin enabled
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 15:21:16 +0100

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 Hi there,
 Joe Marcus Clarke wrote on 2006-03-06 at 19:27:43 CET:
 > This backtrace is not useful.  You need to rebuild Perl and xchat with
 > debugging symbols.  That said, what did you do to encounter this lock
 > up?  Do you have any Perl scripts loaded into xchat?
 *warg* Never came to the idea to check this out with perl plugin enabled
 but without any perl scripts loaded ...
 It was indeed the fact that a little perl script caused the hangups... i
 removed that one (which was running fine long time before, so i didn't come
 to the idea to check this out) and now all is running fine again.
 Sorry for the chaos, please close and remove this pr ASAP :)
 Le deagh dh=F9raghd,
 	Frank Altpeter
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