I've got modem problems now.

piotr.smyrak at heron.pl piotr.smyrak at heron.pl
Wed Jan 18 00:13:29 PST 2006

On Wed, 18 Jan 2006 10:40:46 +0800, Erich Dollansky wrote
> Hi,
> > I've spent the last 4 hours trying to get my modem to be recognized so I can 
use it. what do I do?
> We can't tell you what you did.
> But you could tell us more about your modem, your OS configuration.
> We do not even know if it is a 56k dial-up modem or 16 M 
> ADSL-2 modem.

A proper place to ask would be freebsd-questions@ since that is a GNOME on 
FreeBSD list.

 Piotr Smyrak
 piotr.smyrak at heron.pl

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