cvs commit: src UPDATING

Pascal Hofstee caelian at
Fri Jan 13 16:20:51 PST 2006

On 1/13/06, Jason Evans <jasone at> wrote:
> jasone      2006-01-13 22:37:48 UTC
>   FreeBSD src repository
>   Modified files:
>     .                    UPDATING
>   Log:
>   Note that libc's malloc implementation has been replaced.
>   Approved by:    markm (mentor)
>   Revision  Changes    Path
>   1.434     +5 -0      src/UPDATING

Well .. i decided to take the plunge and the core system seems to be
as stable as always however i have found that after the jemalloc
import anything that uses GTK refuses to start and it looks like all
coredumps seem to boil down to the exact same chain of function calls.

I have CC-ed the gnome@ list in the hope that they  can get a better
informed clue about what's going on here, as i have been having some
minor issues with the latest set of gnome-updates on the MC-ports-tree
... but nothing of this magnitude as i am now experiencing after the
jemalloc update.

i have put a full backtrace of one of the observed crashes up at

I am very curious to know wether this is a gtk20/glib20 issue .. or a
potential jemalloc bug.

I am running FreeBSD/amd64 built shortly after the jemalloc import and
have tried both no malloc.conf  and an "aj" malloc.conf but the
problem remains identical.

If you need any additional information please contact me.

  Pascal Hofstee

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