What type of hardware are you using?

Scott T. Hildreth shildreth at allantgroup.com
Wed Jan 11 07:53:55 PST 2006

At home, my machine is a 1 GHZ, with 768 mb of memory.  I use xfce4,
evolution, firefox, gnome-office, ...etc.  It seems that with every
upgrade, the 1GHZ cpu is not enough power anymore.  I use evolution
at work, but I am trying Thunderbird at home now.  The new evolution
is too slow on my home server.  Thunderbird is better (less cpu
intensive), but not snappy by any means.  Plus I miss some of the 
features of Evolution, but this is straying from my question.  Has
anyone else noticed this issue or is everyone else running on faster

Scott T. Hildreth <shildreth at allantgroup.com>

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