[kde-freebsd] Re: Conflict between KDE and GNOME in a prefix...

Joe Marcus Clarke marcus at marcuscom.com
Mon Aug 28 15:26:20 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Andy Fawcett wrote:
> Hi Joe, Mezz, Gnome, KDE,
> On Saturday 26 August 2006 20:50, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
>> On Sat, 2006-08-26 at 03:43 -0500, Jeremy Messenger wrote:
>>> Hello folks,
>>> We, FreeBSD GNOME Team, have successed to move GNOME from X11BASE
>>> to LOCALBASE. There are three files that are conflict between KDE
>>> and GNOME. The two files that need to be fix in the KDE side and
>>> another file that is need to be fix both in the GNOME and KDE
>>> sides.
>>> http://people.freebsd.org/~mezz/conflict_prefix.txt
>>> etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu:
>>> =============================================
>>> GNOME and KDE teams will have to figure how to solve this problem.
>>> Take the looks at the other Linux distros or so would be a good
>>> start. If you have any good suggest, let us know.
>> We might need to create a small port that just handles conflicting
>> files such as this one.  applications.menu is not huge, and should be
>> interchangeable between GNOME and KDE.
> How different are the versions installed by Gnome & KDE?
> But yes, possibly we need an 'xdg-menu' port to cover such files.

mezz could probably better answer this.  They should be comparable since
we're using the same xdg stuff.

>>> =============================================
>>> libdata/pkgconfig/system-tools-backends.pc:
>>> =============================================
>>> Need to be fix in the KDE side, not sure why kdeadmin installs
>>> system-tools-backends's file? How about disable install it or have
>>> kdeadmin depends on sysutils/system-tools-backends?
>> Agreed.  Depending on system-tools-backends will not bring in any
>> unnecessary GNOME baggage for KDE.
> Lofi has already made a change to deal with this in the (not yet 
> committed) KDE 3.5.4 ports.


>>> =============================================
>>> share/icons/hicolor/index.theme:
>>> =============================================
>>> Need to be fix in the KDE side. The kdelibs will have to change the
>>> path or/and create patch, because hicolor-icon-theme is a fd.org
>>> icon standard. The hicolor-icon-theme is not exactly a GNOME stuff,
>>> which it's for general desktops.
>> Same as above.  misc/hicolor-icon-theme does not depend on any GNOME
>> bits, so adding a dependency on it should not be a big deal, yes?
> Probably doable as suggested. Not sure how different the hicolor theme 
> installed by KDE is to the hicolor-icon-theme port, but I'm sure the 
> problem is solvable.

The hicolor-icon-theme port is taken straight off of freedesktop.org.
This should be as standard as possible.

>> What say you, kde@?
> Well, I'll let lofi comment on things better (since he's more familiar 
> with the KDE ports structure than I am), but personally I think it 
> should be ok.

Excellent.  Thanks for your feedback.


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