Help, help, help with gconf?

Mike Harding mvh at
Thu Aug 17 19:29:02 UTC 2006

gconfd-2 continues to crash with signal 6, or signal 11, taking down
evolution with it, every hour at least.  This is highly annoying... I
don't believe that this is a hardware problem because I have the
-exact- same problem with another system.

I have tried

  - rebuilding everything

  - remove all ~/.gconf* and ~/.gnome* directories

  - removing everything in /var/tmp and /tmp

and I still have problems with gconfd-2.  Very discouraging after
-years- of mostly good stuff going on.

I did upgrade this system from gnome 2.12 (and so on, from previous

Anything I can do that might help?  Any files that I should nuke???

The only 'funny' thing I might be doing is I have 


set in /etc/make.conf, but that's only for one system, the other
doesn't have these options set.

- Mike H.

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