Successfully building ekiga

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at
Tue Apr 4 13:53:24 UTC 2006

Jeremy Messenger <mezz7 at> wrote:

> We have no insterest with gnomemeeting/ekiga. If we want to maintain  
> gnomemeeting/ekiga, we would have done it long time ago. ;-) You will 
> have  to ask kwm, since he is maintaining gnomemeeting.

He doesn't answer. I send several mail since... I think december, but got no
response. He wanted to take care of pwlib and openh323 (based upon patches
from me and Steve), but the PR rotted away. So I decided to go ahead and
committed the current pwlib an openh323 ports. I also have a patch for
gnomemeeting (should be in
It doesn't work in all cases (if you don't have a video input, it refuses to
work) with the current pwlib/openh323 combination. With the old
pwlib/openh323 combination it should be able to work fine.

Personally I don't have interest in gnomemeeting/ekiga. I just want to tell,
that whoever is willing to maintain it, is free to do so. Any committer
should just go ahead and commit a change. He hasn't to wait for a timeout,
since we're already way past a timeout (except kwm responded to portmgr but
not to me (portmgr send a ping to him)).

Regarding ekiga: maybe a repocopy from gnomemeeting is needed.


--  Alexander @ PGP ID = B0063FE7     netchild @  : PGP ID = 72077137
If you think last Tuesday was a drag,
wait till you see what happens tomorrow!

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