evolution crashes

Sean McNeil sean at mcneil.com
Thu May 26 09:22:53 PDT 2005

On Thu, 2005-05-26 at 02:28 -0400, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Sean McNeil wrote:
> |
> | On May 25, 2005, at 6:32 PM, Michael Johnson wrote:
> |
> |>
> |> On May 25, 2005, at 9:25 PM, Sean McNeil wrote:
> |>
> |>
> |>> I have had evolution crash and then work over the last couple of
> |>> days and it is now crashing again.  Some of them were due to  changes
> |>> in libgnomecanvas and the last time I checked they were  fixed.  Now,
> |>> I clicked on "Calendar" and it will not recover.  It  now crashes
> |>> each time I try to run evolution.  I get the following  trace in the
> |>> debugger:
> |>>
> |>>
> |>
> |> from what I understand the latest libgnomecanvas fixes committed
> |> yesterday IIRC.
> |>
> |
> | Yes, this problem was fixed, but it is back!  My system is current as
> | of.... now.
> |
> | Wed May 25 18:35:14 PDT 2005
> |
> | libgnomecanvas was recompiled same day at 09:59 AM PDT.
> This problem is not fixed yet.  I have a patch, but because I'm
> traveling, I have not had a chance to commit it.

Two independent issues I suppose.  The libgnomecanvas caused the
composer to crash, the calendar one is from gal2.

Excellent work on getting this fixed, Marcus.  I'm so glad you found a
way to commit it while traveling.  Evolution is my most-used


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